A Shining Star: NASA'S Chief Scientist Mesmerizes Students and 教师 Alike

Dr. 艾伦·斯托芬, NASA首席科学家, was as brilliant as the solar system she studies and as fascinating as the human mission to Mars she is helping the agency plan when she visited 特学校 Friday morning. Dr. Stofan shared intriguing insights into space exploration and the possibility of life on other planets, as well as thoughts on everything from black holes and climate change to the need for more women in science and the validity of sci-fi literature.
的 planetary geologist and enthusiastic proponent of sending a manned mission to Mars mesmerized students and faculty alike during her hour-long presentation in 制革匠图书馆 as she showed out-of-this-world (literally) photos and talked about NASA’s broad areas of inquiry and impact.  
“I like to say that our work is about looking outward, 向内, 和回家,斯托凡说, 注意到宇宙, 人体, 和地球是NASA工作的核心. 的re are three key questions, she added, that connect all of NASA’s numerous and varied activities:
  • 我们是孤独的吗?
  • 我们是怎么走到这一步的?
  • 我们的宇宙是如何运作的?
一生要谈的崇高话题, 更不用说一个小时了——但是雷克托敦, 退伍军人医院的医生做得很好. She is, after all, one of CNN’s Most Extraordinary People of 2014.  She’s also a mother of three and one of those rare individuals who can talk technology and plain English at the same time, making even esoteric scientific concepts accessible to a room full of teenage girls.
“I’ve attended scores of presentations to many different audiences on the topics Dr. 斯托凡博士说. 玛丽亚Eagen, Chair of Foxcroft’s Science Department and a former astrophysical engineer, 这是我听过的最好的.”
magic continued for several hours after the all-school presentation as Stofan met with students from a half-dozen courses over three class periods. 除此之外, she discussed problem-solving and scientific method with AP Physics and Neurology students and the practical and theoretical applications of mathematics with Geometry, 代数2, and Calculus students -- all in the context of space exploration, 行星地质学(她的专业), 以及科学发现带来的兴奋.
“Everything that woman said was interesting,” enthused Tori W. '15, who spent two class periods listening and learning from Stofan. “她太棒了。!”   
A planetary geologist with degrees from the College of William and Mary and Brown University, Stofan’s accomplishments and her rise to the top of a field dominated by men is 令人惊异的. Stofan is as passionate about opening students’ eyes to the possibilities and joys of working in science, 工程, 和技术一样,她是关于岩石的, 航天飞机, 以及她毕生致力于的火星之旅.

“You don’t have to be good at mathematics to be a scientist,”她说。, admitting that she struggled with the subject itself. “You may have to work a little harder because you need to use it as a tool but you don’t have to love it. 创造力是我们工作的重要组成部分. 这就是为什么我提到STEAM(科学), 技术, 工程, Arts and Math) instead of 阀杆 -- the arts are key.”

多样性是科学进步的另一个关键, 她说, bemoaning the ‘leaky science and technology pipeline.’  “From middle school through grad school and mid-level jobs, research shows young women dropping out of the pipeline at every step,” 斯托芬说. “你可能会问为什么这很重要,”她说. “但 when we have big challenges in front of us  -- like what are we going to do about climate change or how are we going to get a spacecraft to land on the surface of Mars -- having different viewpoints and ideas is crucial. How can we solve these problems when we’re only inviting 50 percent of the population to the table?”
Stofan was invited to Foxcroft by Head of School Cathy McGehee after they met at an event in Richmond. Stofan strives to talk in schools at least once a month and agreed to make the Middleburg girls' school her first stop in 2015. It was a stop few of those who heard her will soon forget.

Stofan has been fascinated by outer space she since saw her first rocket launch at age 4. 1989年至2000年, she worked at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, CA, holding several top positions in the agency’s New Millennium Program, 麦哲伦金星任务, 和SIR-C开发.

在2000年离开NASA之后, 斯托凡在代理研究公司工作, where she served as principal investigator for the Titan Mare Explorer (TiME), a proposal to send a floating probe to investigate the hydrocarbon seas of Saturn’s largest moon. She returned to NASA as Chief Scientist in August 2013.
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An all-girls boarding and day school in Northern Virginia, Foxcroft prepares young women in grades 9-12 for success in college and in life. Our outstanding academic program offers challenging courses, including Advanced Placement classes and an innovative 阀杆 program. Our premiere equestrian program is nationally recognized, and our athletic teams have won conference and state championships. Experience the best in girls' boarding schools: visit Foxcroft.
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