
访问ing Niblack artist and industrial designer 茱莉亚 Sutula shares her circuitous artistic journey and encourages students to chart a path that aligns with their passions.

One of the themes that emerges more and more with each visiting Niblack artist is that the path between their high school careers and a Niblack presentation is rarely a straight shot. 而, the artists often speak metaphorically about journeys that include meandering down winding, bumpy roads; taking turns onto side roads for the roadside attractions or a rest stop; and even getting temporarily lost or waylaid before moving once again in the direction of their dreams. Sometimes their dreams are clear from the outset; sometimes the dreams reveal themselves along the way; sometimes they morph into new dreams as a result of one of those detours.

茱莉亚’s path to becoming an industrial designer was similarly twisty. “In high school, I was interested in math and science – and art, actually. 我很好奇事情是如何运作的. I was especially fascinated with the form and function of the organs of the human body: how the heart was shaped in the precise way to serve its function in the most effective and efficient way.她的道路, 她认为, would lead her to medical school after college and as she started her coursework, 一切都在按计划进行. She took and enjoyed her science-focused classes, and took art classes as an escape. Eventually, she had enough studio art classes to supplement her major in biology with a minor in art.
与此同时, 在一次篮球受伤后,她退出了比赛, 茱莉亚 began sprint kayaking and although new to the sport, 提高很快. Soon, she was paddling for the US National Sprint Kayaking team. While the training schedule prolonged her undergraduate education, it also proved to be an important stop on her path. While staying at a fellow kayaker’s home during training, 茱莉亚 became curious about one of his homework assignments that had him redesigning the pizza box to keep the pizza hot, 少用硬纸板, 面对黏糊糊的披萨. She loved the combination of art and science, the creative problem solving, of this odd assignment. 这是茱莉亚人生道路上的又一个弯路, as she turned away from medical school and toward design school after graduation.

当她开始走上这条新的道路, 茱莉亚 took note of the constant tug-of-war between the three tenets of industrial design – it works, 它是可用的, it’s pretty – that designers must balance in product design. 在三者重叠的“最佳位置”, is the theoretically perfect product – the example 茱莉亚 gave is the iPhone.

After a particularly influential professor introduced her to the book, 《日常事物的设计》作者:Donald A. Norman, 茱莉亚 found the “sweet spot” for her career. She decided to veer just a bit on her path to focus on the “它是可用的” tenet of user-centered design, and become a designer that takes into account the user experience for the products she designs. This is where she has developed her expertise in the marketplace, and where she spends her time now. As she gained skill and insight in questioning users about their experiences, she had moved more into innovating new products to fill unmet, 甚至是未知的, 消费者需求.

一路走来, 茱莉亚一直对新的可能性持开放态度, “你不知道生活为你准备了什么. 生命的发展. 你需要确定你的兴趣所在, 技能, and talents are and let those lead you without blinders. Take advantage of every opportunity that aligns with your passions, 你最终会到达你注定要去的地方.”

在她在校期间, 茱莉亚 also worked with students in Maria Eagen’s Engineering class and made herself available at lunch to speak with anyone interested in industrial design as a career.

Helen Cudahy Niblack ' 42艺术系列讲座, established by Austi Brown ‘73 in memory of her mother, 带来了各种文学吗, 执行, 和优秀的艺术家来福克斯克罗夫特分享他们的作品, 故事, and perspective on the nature of the creative process with both students and the larger community. 从2007年开始, hopefully the series has inspired a few Foxcroft girls to strike out on an artistic journey of their own.
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