
Helen Cudahy Niblack ' 42艺术系列讲座

杰西卡·坎特, 一位洛杉矶导演, 生产商, 互动故事讲述者, came to Foxcroft February 5th as part of the Helen Cudahy Niblack ' 42艺术系列讲座 to talk about her artistic journey and share her work in 360视频 and Virtual Reality (VR) film. She represents the “future” in this year’s Series theme, “Inspired by Storytelling: Past, Present & 未来.” These emerging technologies are developing so rapidly that it’s hard to keep up! Each new iteration provides more and better options and capabilities, 鼓励实验, 试错法, 和探索, 但也让每个人都跳起来.
It was evident in Jessica’s community presentation on Monday evening that telling 故事 in 360视频 or VR film requires a unique skill set! It was interesting to learn that Jessica acquired many of these skills quite by accident. Having had to rethink her entire future after an injury her senior year in high school derailed her dreams of becoming a classical ballerina, Jessica enrolled at NYU’s Gallatin School of Individualized Study. At Gallatin, students are encouraged to design their own course of study. . . the perfect choice for someone who is suddenly without a rudder. 最终, 她找到了自己的路, telling her advisor that she wanted to learn how to create websites — back in the early 2000’s this was a new endeavor — and her advisor recommended a C++ computer programming class. 她是, 她说, “在那堂课上不是很开心,” tediously handwriting source code into a blue book and learning how to build a computer operating system. 回顾, 虽然, 杰西卡意识到这正是她所需要的, 说, “It turned out to be a huge gift now going into immersive storytelling because I am able to add interaction into my videos because I had that experience.”

杰西卡将虚拟现实描述为一种与科技互动的新方式, which will soon replace the computer screen and be embedded in our everyday world. “对我来说,感觉这里有什么东西. . . 这不仅仅是一个噱头或消失,”她说. “这是我们联系方式的范式转变. It’s going to change the way operating rooms work in hospitals. 它将改变人们在大多数学校学习的方式. 它可以使人们的教育民主化.她认为这些东西将改变世界的运作方式.

Her interest, 虽然, is in telling 故事 in this new meduim. “What does it mean to experience a story when there’s not a frame or a screen that we’re used to having? I was curious about what it means when the whole world is the story,” she said.

“光”里的女孩们, 相机, 行动” Wintermission class taught by Alex Northrup and Stephanie Young spent an afternoon with Jessica viewing some of her finished pieces and learning the nuts and bolts of 360视频 filming techniques and editing tricks. The class was tasked with creating a 360视频 in just five days that the 太阳城电子apps Office could use for recruitment. Teams of girls had already used 360视频 recorders to capture different aspects of school life, 杰西卡花时间和每个团队在一起, 回顾他们的录像, making recommendations for reshooting using a different perspective, 并向他们展示如何在软件中编辑.

而杰西卡则是一队一队地工作, 其他学生则体验了杰西卡完成的VR作品, 要么“从恩典中堕落”,来自她的VR舞蹈项目, 使用Gear VR头显, 或者她的亨特·海耶斯360度音乐视频, “昨天的歌,使用谷歌Cardboard VR观看器. Her work illustrated the use of a variety of filming techniques, and provided real-life examples of effects and approaches to telling a story in VR that the girls could use in their own pieces.

工作坊结束后,佛罗伦斯. 《20》杂志为杰西卡的励志学习网站采访了她. 她是 able to delve deeply into Jessica’s motivations for her career choice, 问她, “How do you know that filmmaking is what you want to do in life?”

杰西卡回答说, “我认为生命是很长的一段时间, 我不知道这是不是我唯一要做的事. But I feel compelled to tell 故事 and share my perspective on different topics. As I started exploring what to do, I evaluated that I like to make things. I like to make things that actually say something in the world or at least help you feel something. 和, I was really interested in the new medium and different ways of telling 故事 — Virtual Reality, 360视频, Augmented Reality — and I realized that I wanted to be in the role of maker.”

和 as for what success means to Jessica, 她说, “I don’t have an end goal. 我对自己如何度过每一天都很感兴趣. 只要我一直在做激励我的工作, 我受到了挑战, 我可以支付我的账单, 我有空间过自己的生活, 那我想这就是成功.”

We’ll be watching this young filmmaker and we look forward to seeing her tell 故事 in new ways and explore the edges of this burgeoning media.

The Helen Cudahy Niblack ' 42艺术系列讲座 was established in 2007 by Austi Brown ’73 in honor of her mother. 多年来, 这个系列带来了各种文学, 执行, 和优秀的艺术家来福克斯克罗夫特分享他们的作品, 故事, 以及对创作过程本质的看法. An important element of the Series is working with students in a smaller, workshop-type setting so that the artist can share their craft and hopefully inspire a student or two to follow their own artistic dreams.
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